S M Motahar Hossain
Director General Medical Services,
Ministry of Defence Dhaka Cantonment Dhaka
Maj Gen S M Motahar Hossain, Director General Medical Services, Bangladesh Armed Forces, has 34 years of experience in research, evaluation and teaching. He became Director General Medical Services on 18 August 2016. He has expertise in Internal Medicine especially in Gastroenterology. He held important appointments in his long career including Personal Physician to Honorable Prime Minister (2000 -2001), Personal Physician to Honorable President (2012-2016) of Peoples Republic of Bangladesh and Instructor of Medicine in Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh (2003-2004). He has number of publications in National and international Medical journals. He is a widely travelled person and visited more than fifty countries around the globe including USA, UK, Italy, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Singapore, China and Netherlands. He also participated in UN Peace Keeping Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) and Bosnia & Herzegovina.
Research Interest